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10.Tsung-Ting Shih,* Jian-Yi Chen, Yu-Ting Luo, Cheng-Hsing Lin, Yi-Hung Liu, Yi-An Su,

     Pei-Chun Chao and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2019, Jul). Development of a titanium dioxide-assisted

     preconcentration/on-site vapor-generation chip hyphenated with inductively coupled

     plasma-mass spectrometry for online determination of mercuric ions in urine samples.

     Analytica Chimica Acta, 1063, 82–90. (SCI).

9.  Tsung-Ting Shih, Hui-Ling Lee,* Show-Chuen Chen,* Chih-Yuan Kang, Ren-Shang Shen

     and Yi-An Su (2018, Feb).  Rapid analysis of traditional Chinese medicine Pinellia ternate

     by microchip electrophoresis with electrochemical detection.

     Journal of Separation Science, 41, 740–746. (SCI).

8.  Cheng-Hsing Lin, Yu Chen, Yi-An Su, Yu-Ting Luo, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun 

     (2017, Jun).  Nanocomposite-Coated Microfluidic-Based Photocatalyst-Assisted Reduction

     Device to Couple High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Inductively Coupled

     Plasma-Mass Spectrometry for Online Determination of Inorganic Arsenic Species in Natural

     Water. Analytical Chemistry, 89, 5892–5899.

     (IF: 6.042, Ranking (Chemistry, Analytical): 4/80 = 5.00%).

7.  Tsung-TingShih,# I-HsiangHsu,# Ping-Hung Chen, Shun-Niang Chen, Sheng-Hao Tseng

     and Yuh-Chang Sun* (#Equal contribution). (2016, Aug). Fabrication of a Dipole-Assisted

     Solid Phase Extraction Microchip for Trace Metal Analysis in Water Samples.

     JoVE-Journal of Visualized Experiments, 114, e53500.

     (IF: 1.232, Ranking (Multidisciplinary Science): 28/64 = 43.75%).

6.  Tsung-Ting Shih, Cheng-Chuan Hsieh, Yu-Ting Luo, Yi-An Su, Ping-Hung Chen, Yu-Chen

     Chuang and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2016, Apr). A high-throughput solid-phase extraction microchip

     combined with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for rapid determination of trace

     heavy metals in natural water. Analytica Chimica Acta, 916, 24–32.

     (IF: 4.950, Ranking (Chemistry, Analytical): 7/76 = 9.21%).

5.  Tsung-Ting Shih, I-HsiangHsu, Shun-Niang Chen, Ping-Hung Chen, Ming-Jay Deng,

     Yu Chen, Yang-Wei Lin and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2015, Jan). A dipole-assisted solid-phase

     extraction microchip combined with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for online

     determination of trace heavy metals in natural bwater. Analyst, 140, 600–608.

     (IF: 4.033, Ranking (Chemistry, Analytical): 10/75 = 13.33%).

4.  Tsung-Ting Shih, Cheng-Hsing Lin, I-Hsiang Hsu, Jian-Yi Chen and Yuh-Chang Sun*

     (2013, Nov). Development of a Titanium Dioxide-Coated Microfluidi-Based

     Photocatalyst-Assisted Reduction Device to Couple High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

     with Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry for Determination of Inorganic Selenium

     Species. Analytical Chemistry, 8 5, 10091–10098. 

     (IF: 5.825, Ranking (Chemistry, Analytical): 4/76 = 5.26%).

3.  Tsung-Ting Shih, I-Hsiang Hsu, Jung-Fu Wu, Cheng-Hsing Lin and Yuh-ChangSun* 

     (2013,Aug). Development of chip-based photocatalyst-assisted reduction device to couple high

     performance liquid chromatography and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry

     for determination of inorganic selenium species.

     Journal of Chromatography A, 1304, 101– 108. 

     (IF: 4.258, Ranking (Chemistry, Analytical): 6/76 = 7.89%).

2.  Tsung-Ting Shih, Wen-Yu Tseng, Kai-Hsun Tsai, Wei-Yu Chen, Mine-Wei Tsai

     and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2011,  Nov). Online coupling of ultraviolet titanium dioxide film reactor

     with poly(methyl methacrylate) solid phase extraction-inductively coupled plasma mass

     spectrometryfor speciation of trace heavy metals in freshwater.

     Microchemical Journal, 99, 260–266.

     (IF:3.048, Ranking (Chemistry, Analytical): 17/73 = 23.29%).

1.  Tsung-Ting Shih, Wei-Yu Chen and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2011, Apr). Open-channel

     chip-based solid-phase extraction combined with inductively coupled plasma-mass     

     spectrometry for online determination of trace elements in

     volume-limited saline samples.

     Journal of Chromatography A, 1218, 2342–2348.

     (IF: 4.531, Ranking (Chemistry, Analytical): 6/73= 8.22%).


5.  施宗廷* (2018, Mar) 分析技術對於新世代材料開發之意義 (下). 材料最前線 


4.  施宗廷* (2018, Mar) 分析技術對於新世代材料開發之意義 (上). 材料最前線 


3.  葉明泓,* 施宗廷 (2015, Nov). 塑化劑鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯濃度量測技術之建立與其

     不確定度評估. 量測資訊雙月刊, 第166期, p 66–p 70.

2.  徐繹翔,* 施宗廷, 黃烱坤 (2015, May). 二氧化硫氣狀汙染物量測概述及分析設備性能評估.

     量測資訊雙月刊, 第163期, p 57–p 60.

1.  徐繹翔,* 施宗廷 (2015, May). 無機質譜技術之分析與應用. 量測資訊雙月刊, 第163期, p 52–p 56.

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