27.Cheng-Yu Wang , Ya-Cheng Tsai, Ji-Hao Chen, Yan-Ren Ke, Yuh-Chang Sun, Tsung-Ting
Shih* (2019, Nov).Coupling a Low-Cost, Portable and Universal Analytical Device with
Colorimetric Methodology for the Determination of Ammonia Nitrogen in Water.
第36屆自來水研究發表會, 台南, 台灣
26.Ya-Cheng Tsai, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2018, Dec). Development of a
low-cost,portable analytical device for colorimetric detection of free residual chlorine in
water samples.中國化學會年會, 高雄, 台灣.
25.Chu-Long Fu, Ji-Hao Chen, I-Hsin Huang, Yi-Ju Chen, and Tsung-Ting Shih* (2018, Nov).
Using a Microwave Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometer Combined with Microwave
Digestion for Determination of Copper in Century Eggs.
台灣食品科學技術學會年會, 台北, 台灣.
24.Ying-Hua Chu, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2017, May).
23.Ying-Hua Chu, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2017, May).
22.Yu-Chen Chuang, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2016, Dec).
21.Chia-Tung Lin, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2016, Dec).
20.Pei-Chun Chao, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2016, Jun).
19.Pei-Chun Chao, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2016, May).
18.Ping-Hung Chen, Thi Viet Nga Ta, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2015, May).
17.Yu-Ting Luo, Yi-Tzu Lu, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2015, May).
16.Yi-An Su, Tsung-Ting Shih, I-Hsiang Hsu and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2014, May).
15.Ping-Hung Chen, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2013, Nov).
14.Yi-An Su, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2013, Nov).
13.Yung-Hsin Cheng, I-Hsiang Hsu, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2013, Nov).
Development of On-Chip Solid Phase Extraction to Couple Gold Nanocluster-Assisted
Fluorescence Detection for Online Determination of Mercuric Ions.
中國化學會年會, 南投, 台灣.
12.Jian-Yi Chen, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2013, May). Development of
Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle-Assisted Preconcentration/In-Situ Vapor Generation Chip
Coupled with Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry for On-Line Determination
of Mercury in Urine Samples. 分析技術交流研討會, 台北, 台灣.
11.Shun-Niang Chen, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2013, May). Chip-based open
channel solid-phase extraction coupling to inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
for online determination of trace elements in natural water samples.
分析技術交流研討會, 台北, 台灣.
10.Jian-Yi Chen, Tsung-Ting Shih, Yuh-Chang Sun* (2013, May). Development of titanium
dioxide-assisted preconcentration/in-situ vapor generation chip coupled with inductively
coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for online determination of inorganic mercury in
urine samples. 環境分析化學研討會, 桃園, 台灣.
9 .Tsung-Ting Shih, Shun-Niang Chen, Ming-Jay Deng and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2013, May).
Simple On-Chip Solid-Phase Extraction for the Determination of Trace Elements in Natural
Water via Dipole-Electrostatic Interactions. 環境分析化學研討會, 桃園, 台灣.
8 .Ping-Hung Chen, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2012, Dec).
7 .Shun-Niang Chen, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2012, Dec). Chip-based open
channel solid-phase extraction coupling to inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
for online determination of trace elements in natural water samples.
中國化學會年會, 台南, 台灣.
6 .Tsung-Ting Shih, Ping-Hung Chen and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2012, Nov).
5 .Kai-Hsun Tsai, Tsung-Ting Shih, Wen-Yu Tseng and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2011, May). Online
Coupling of Ultraviolet Titanium Dioxide Film Reactor with a Poly(Methyl Methacrylate)
Solid Phase Extraction–Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for Speciation of
Trace Heavy Metals in Freshwater. 環境分析化學研討會, 桃園, 台灣.
4 .Wei-Yu Chen, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2008, Dec). On-Line Chip-Based
Solid Phase Extraction Devices Coupling with ICP-MS for Determination of Trace Elements
in Saline Samples. 中國化學會年會, 彰化, 台灣.
3 .Wen-Yu Tseng, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2008, Dec). On-line Preconcentration
of Trace Metals in Waters using Nonfunctionalized Poly(methyl methacrylate) Beads
Packed Microcolumn Coupled with ICP-MS Determination.
中國化學會年會, 彰化, 台灣.
2 .Tsung-Ting Shih, Wei-Yu Chen and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2008, Jun). On-Line Chip-Based
Solid Phase Extraction Devices Coupled to ICP-MS for Determination of Trace Elements in
Saline Samples, 世界華人質譜研討會暨台灣質譜年會, 台北, 台灣.
1 .施宗廷, 徐繹翔, 蘇正寬, 孫毓璋* (2006, Jun). 感應耦合電漿質譜分析技術之回顧,
台灣質譜年會, 高雄, 台灣.
9 .Yu-Chen Chuang, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2017, Apr).
8 .Pei-Chun Chao, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2016, Jun).
7 .I-Hsiang Hsu, Tsung-Ting Shih, Sheng-Hao Tseng, Yi-Cyun Yang, Ping-Hung Chen and
Yuh-Chang Sun* (2015, Aug). Hg2+ detection based on on-chip extraction and fluorescence
quenching of BSA-stabilized Au nanocluster. American Chemical Society National Meeting
& Exposition, Boston, USA.
6 .Jian-Yi Chen, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2013, Aug). Development of Titanium
Dioxide Nanoparticle-Assisted Preconcentration/In-Situ Vapor Generation Chip Coupled
with Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry for On-Line Determination of Mercury
in Urine Samples. ASIANALYSIS, Fukuoka, Japan.
5 .Tsung-Ting Shih, Wei-Yu Chen and Y.-C. Sun* (2011, Jan). Open-Channel Chip-Based
Solid-Phase Extraction Coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry for
Online Determination of Trace Elements in Volume-Limited Saline Samples. European
Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Zaragoza, Spain.
4 .Cheng-Chuan Hsieh, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2011, Jan). High-Throughput
Chip-Based Solid-Phase Extraction Coupling with Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass
Spectrometry for Online Determination of Trace Elements. European Winter Conference
on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Zaragoza, Spain.
3 .Cheng-Hsing Lin, Tsung-Ting Shih, Jung-Fu Wu and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2010, Mar).
Development of On-line Chip-based Photo-reactor for Coupling HPLC and ICP-MS in the
Determination of Inorganic Selenium Species. PITTCON, Orlando, USA.
2 .Wei-Yu Chen, Tsung-Ting Shih and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2008, Nov). On-Line Chip-Based
Solid Phase Extraction Devices Coupling with ICP-MS for Determination of Trace Elements
in Saline Samples. Asia-Pacific Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Tsukuba,
1 .Tsung-Ting Shih, Wei-Yu Chen and Yuh-Chang Sun* (2008, Aug). Development of PMMA
Preconcentration Device for Online Coupling with ICP-MS to Determine Trace Metal Ions in
Saline Samples. Chemical-Environmental International Student Workshop, Hsinchu,